Primitive Technology zeigt in der Wildnis von Far North Queensland in Australien, was man alles mit einfachsten Mitteln bauen kann. Dabei kommen alle Videos komplett ohne Audiokommentar aus, die englischen Untertitel sind allerdings sehr hilfreich.
Primitive Technology: Brick hut destroyed by falling tree
Primitive Technology: Two Walled Tiled Hut
Primitive Technology: A-frame Roof Tile Factory
Primitive Technology: Water Bellows smelt
Primitive Technology: Making Charcoal in a Closed Pot
Primitive Technology: Geopolymer Cement (Ash and Clay)
Primitive Technology: Wet Season Destroys Thatched Workshop
Primitive Technology: One-Way Blower Iron Smelt & Forging Experiment
Primitive Technology: One Way Spinning, Rope Stick Blower
Primitive Technology: Crab and Fish Trap
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